Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Event

So tonight is the night of the big event. It is taking place at the store and all of these "famous" people will be there. Its exciting, alluring and generally speaking somewhat apathetic. Not to discount the excitement or down play the people who are involved and included in the "famous" genre of the evening but to look at people and situations as to who they are. I am finding that anything in comparison to God and His unending grace is nothing. So the act is not to look at these people as to who they are but to look at ourselves as to who are we in comparison to God and His love, power and grace. If you do not seek after the Lord in everything then what is ever the purpose of ever attending the event and meeting these people. May God give me abounding grace towards all people today. May He supply you with this as well. God is the King of all kings. He is the God of all other gods. He created these people and loves them so. May this be visible.

Daniel- the whole book